Today’s The Day

Santas in Shorts kicks off in just a few hours (3 pm). Looks like we’ll be dodging thundershowers on and off during the festivities (Accuweather says there’s a 50% chance of thunderstorms throughout the afternoon/evening). The good news is that there is plenty of room … Continue readingToday’s The Day


Officially Santas in Shorts is only scheduled from 3 pm until 9 pm but I sure don’t want to leave everyone all dressed up with nowhere to go. Of course, any Santas are welcome to continue to hang around Doggie’s, either in the beer garden … Continue readingAFTER Hours

Santas in Shorts interview

Brian Allen aka SantaBa ZOOM interviewed me about Saturday’s plans. Check out the brief video on Facebook. Santas In Shorts website State College Santa Crawl website State College Santa Crawl FB group

Have You Seen These at Doggies?

I’ve stashed them around the bar at Doggies. Help get the word out by grabbing a couple and sharing with your friends. The more people we have the more the merriment. See you Saturday. Santas in Shorts FB Event Page State College Santa Crawl Webpage

Keep your eye out for this

If you happen to be down at Doggie’s Pub, look around and see if you can spot this flyer that I’ve distributed around the premises. Should be almost half a dozen of them hanging on posts around the bar.